Good afternoon. For my Pediatric nursing class I need to do a annotated bibliography on and oncological disorder. I would like to find research on Non Hogdkins Lymphoma. Can you assist me on how to search for an article (2008 and later) that is from a nursing journal. I have found some articles but per the guidelines it also needs to be research based and this is where I am having difficulty using the search engine.
I will attached the guideline below:
For the purpose of this course an annotated bibliography is a brief description and evaluation of an article chosen by the student. The purpose of the annotated bib is to inform class mates of recent research in pediatrics on a chosen subject. The documentation should include a summary of the research, the accuracy of the information, the quality of the study and how the information is relevant to nursing practice.
I found the explanation for the new changes to APA 7 on the brenau site but is there a template for completing an annotated bibliography. I have never created one just want to make sure I am completing correctly.
Thank you in advance.
Answered By: Micki Waldrop Last Updated: Mar 08, 2021 Views: 77
Hi Crystal,
The best place to start is the nursing libguide - article databases page: There is a section that lists databases and journals specifically useful for nursing research. Choose one of the databases, I used CINAHL Plus, and search for your topic. I have to warn you that the topic is HUGE, you might think about narrowing to a population or a specific aspect just to make your topic more manageable.
On the left side of the results screen you can refine your results for a time frame, full text, and scholarly articles (among other things).
The APA 7 libguide has a page dedicated to annotated bibliography entries here:
Good luck!
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