
Can you help me find an artice?


Can you help me find an artice?
I am struggling trying to find an article based on the topic: The value of using the theory of multiple intelligence in conjunction with arts integration. Can you guide me? I have searched and searched?

Answered By: Micki Waldrop
Last Updated: Sep 18, 2020     Views: 42

Thank you for your question.

I used the following search in the catalog found at "multiple intelligence" AND art; just under 1000 results were returned. When I limited to Full Text and Peer-Reviewed there are still over 300 choices.

You may need to further define art to get at the best information. music, studio art. Once you narrow down on your topic, I would then suggest running that same search in an education database. You can find a good selection of education-specific databases on the Graduate Education libguide:

Good luck with your research.


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