
Could you please assist me in finding a reliable article which theme is centered on Teaching and Learning, Learning, or Knowledge for an


Could you please assist me in finding a reliable article which theme is centered on Teaching and Learning, Learning, or Knowledge for an assignment in my School and Society course.
A current (within 5 years) scholarly and peer-reviewed article related to the themes of Teaching and Learning, Learners, or Knowledge. The should be selected from a credible source, such as a research or practitioner

Answered By: Micki Waldrop
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2020     Views: 45

Thank you for your question.

I'm afraid you will have to decide on a topic of study that you are interested in before you embark on the research process. Popular research topics include: the impact of poverty on educational attainment, technology in the classroom, and curriculum mapping.

As for finding the appropriate sources, the best place to learn about conducting this type of research and gaining access to the best education databases is to use the education libguide:

The Searching Tips and Source Evaluation page will teach you how to limit your search results to peer-reviewed, scholarly, full-text, and published within a range of years. 

Additionally, the Article Databases page provides a portal to the best databases to search for education sources.

I hope this is helpful to you.


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