
how do i find peer reviewed nursing journals about specific information, such as evidence based practice


how do i find peer reviewed nursing journals about specific information, such as evidence based practice

Answered By: Micki Waldrop
Last Updated: Jul 10, 2019     Views: 73

To find a peer reviewed research article on a specific topic from a nursing journal, begin at the Nursing LibGuide by clicking Then click the orange-yellow ARTICLES tab at the top of the page. Scroll down to the Nursing Articles / Nursing Journals box in the center of the page. Click on CINAHL PLUS with Full Text. You may be asked for a password to get into the database. If you don't know it, check the FAQ here at Ask A Librarian for instructions.

In CINAHL PLUS with Full Text, click on Advanced Search, just under the search box. On the Advanced Search page, begin by scrolling down to Limit Your Results.

In the left column, click the box for Full Text and the box for research article. In the box labeled Journal Subset, choose nursing.

In the right column, in the Published Date From boxes, input the dates you want to search. Below that, click the peer reviewed box. You can click other limiters if you want, but clicking too many may severely limit your results.

Now scroll up to the search box and type your search terms, for example, nursing AND impaired. This will yield articles on both nurses and patients who are impaired, but every article will be a peer reviewed article from a nursing journal.

Evaluate your results by reading the article title and the annotation under the title, which includes the authors, journal title, number of pages, and the subjects covered by the article. When you see one you like, point to the magnifying glass and paper icon at the end of the title. This will pop up the abstract for you to read. If you like the abstract, click on PDF Full Text to read the article! Voila!

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