
Should the government regulate school lunches?


Should the government regulate school lunches?
Childhood obesity is an epidemic and the poor quality of school lunches exacerbates the problem. Is there anything that the government can or should do to provide healthier lunches?

Answered By: Emily Thornton
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 28


If you are looking for information on governmental standards for school nutrition then I would suggest googling the information.  Make your search more effective by narrowing your search to only governmental sites.  Go to google and type:

site:gov school nutrition regulations

Your first result will provide you with detailed information on governmental regulations for school food.

If you would like to read about school nutrition in scholarly journals or books I would suggest using the library catalog at  Type your search terms.  I used

school nutrition AND regulation 

and I got some really good results.  There are several relevant ebooks which you can access by clicking on the View Ebook link and entering your Brenau username and password.  You can also limit your results to scholarly journal articles by clicking on the Peer Reviewed box to the left of your screen. This gives you great results like

Stitzel, K. (2003). School nutrition programs: A legislative perspective. American Dietetic Association. Journal of the American Dietetic Association,103(4), 439-40.


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