
What resources do we have to list the viruses that are currently held in ice in Antarctica?


What resources do we have to list the viruses that are currently held in ice in Antarctica?
Resources relating to climate change and the current state of Antarctica would be helpful as well.

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 72


I looked around a good bit in our science and multi-disciplinary databases and found that most of the research is well, quite sciencey!  I didn't find much that your non-science major would readily understand about the different types of viruses found in ice cores.  Then I looked in the National Institutes of Health  and found this article which at least has a good introduction that most will understand even without a science background:

If you want to have a look around the databases yourself go to  Choose databases A-Z and then choose Galileo Quick Search.  You will be asked to login using your Brenau username and password.  I used the search terms Viruses AND Antarctic Ice and I got quite a few results.

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