
how has technology effected the use of correct grammar?


how has technology effected the use of correct grammar?

Answered By: Emily Thornton
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2019     Views: 34


This is an interesting question! To search for this, go to and search in the catalog search box in the middle of the page. You may have better luck if you search for specific technologies, like 

grammar AND "text message"

A lot of results are grammar help books or newspaper articles, which won't really help you. Look ont he left side of the screen and click "peer-reviewed" to narrow your results down to scholarly sources. This should give you a couple really good sources, like 

Drew, P., & S, S. (2012). Texting, techspeak, and tweens: The relationship between text messaging and English grammar skills. New Media & Society, 14(8), 1304-1320. doi:10.1177/1461444812442927


Good luck with your research!

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