
What are some of the cultural differences in the workplace between Americans and people from other parts of the world?


What are some of the cultural differences in the workplace between Americans and people from other parts of the world?
work culture, ethics, work hours, holidays, etc.

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 56

First, in order to be more successful in answering this question you should probably narrow down your topic to a specific culture to compare with American workplace culture.  

There is a very good libguide that has all kinds of resources that will help you with this topic.  Go to the cultural diversity and business libguide @  Click on the resources tab to the left of the page.  The first link on this page is culture grams where you can look up most countries around the world.  Click on Culture Grams and then enter your Brenau username and password.  Then enter the name of the country you are interested in in the search within this publication box.  You can read about the entire culture of your country including economics and business here.  

Next, click on the Culture Crossing guide for information on the business culture of your country.  Then scroll a little further down to the box labelled Business, Economics, & Politics for other very useful sites describing business in your chosen country.

Finally, you can look up articles on your country by scrolling further down the page and choosing either ABI Inform or Business Source Complete database.  Here you can enter search terms such as "business culture" AND your chosen country.  Don't forget to include the word AND in your search string.


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