
How does emotional trauma affect the growth of a child?


How does emotional trauma affect the growth of a child?
I would like to know of any sources that can help me answer this question.

Answered By: Micki Waldrop
Last Updated: Jul 10, 2018     Views: 37

Hi Princess.

Your question about emotional trauma and childhood development is interesting and HUGE. 

Trauma as defined medically is much different than it is defined socially - which are you looking into? Then unpack what part of growth you are interested in researching: prepubescent, teen, early adult. There are also socio-economic considerations that impact treatment of traumatized individuals. Are you interested in looking at the US only or in the international arena?

And those are just a FEW of the ways you can narrow down your topic.

If you are unsure of how to narrow your topic, I suggest using the nursing libguide here: 

Select the articles tab located on the left of the screen, select CINAHL in the databases and search these terms: emotional trauma AND child development

Reading the abstracts of the articles you find or even just looking at the subject key words will help you narrow your topic into one that is easier to research.

Good luck!


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