
What are your suggestions on Conflict Resolution?


What are your suggestions on Conflict Resolution?
Conflicts occur daily amongst our family, friends, coworkers. How can I provide a story that will interest my professor as well as my classmates?

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 31


I'm not sure if you need a specific article on conflict resolution in a specific culture but I think I can point you towards some general resources.  First go to the all-purpose libguide at  Next choose the articles tab.  Choose the database, Academic Search Complete.  You will be asked to login using your Brenau username and password.  Next limit your search by clicking on the full-text and scholarly (peer reviewed) buttons to the bottom left of the search bar.  Choose your search terms based on your specific topic.  For this topic I would begin searching using the search terms Conflict Resolution although you will want to narrow this topic considerably.  Once you've decided on a narrower topic, for example conflict resolution in the classroom, you will want to narrow your searching by adding additional terms to your search such as Conflict Resolution AND school or Conflict Resolution AND Classroom.  Just be sure to use the word AND between your keywords.

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