
Is a man or woman who serve time in prison and released, really freed from prison?


Men and women who are released from prison is title a felon, even though their crime wasn’t a harsh crime. Therefore, how can they really be freed, when they are denied any opportunity to receiving a legitimate job.

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2020     Views: 50

To begin researching this topic I would go to the library catalog at  I tried using the search terms Prisoner Reentry and I got some good results in ebooks such as Barriers to reentry? : the labor market for released prisoners in post-industrial America. You can view the ebooks by clicking on the View Ebooks button and entering your Brenau username and password.  You can also try the search terms Prisoner Reentry AND Jobs being sure to connect your search terms with the word AND.  I found some good results using these search terms as well.  After you have looked at the ebooks you can narrow the search to scholarly journal articles by clicking on the Article box to the left of your screen.

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