Answered By: Micki Waldrop Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020 Views: 60
Thank you for contacting us.
I believe what you are asking here is for books or articles about governmental support for disasters in impoverished areas.
If you want to find information in books and scholarly journal articles you should go to the library catalog at The search bar in the middle of the page will give you access to the library catalog. I would use search terms such as government support AND disaster relief AND poverty (be sure to use the AND in your search).
Use the left-side toolbar to limit the dates to the last 5 years or so.
The first results you will see will be books and ebooks. If you want to read an ebook just click on the View eBook button and you will be asked to login using your Brenau username and password.
Using the search terms mentioned above, I located this book: James, H., & Paton, D. (Eds.). (2015). The consequences of disasters: Demographic, planning, and policy implications. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher.
If you are also interested in scholarly articles on this topic, click on the box labeled Article under Format to the left-side toolbar of the results screen. Set the date limiter to articles published in the last 5 years, and choose Full Text and Peer Reviewed, also in the left-side toolbar. Click on the View Full Text button to be taken into the article.
Here is one article that may be of use to you: Zukowski, R. (2014). The impact of adaptive capacity on disaster response and recovery: Evidence supporting core community capabilities. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29(4), 380-7. doi:10.1017/S1049023X14000624.
If I missed the point of your question completely, please respond to this email with a little further information.
Good luck!
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