
Info on essay



  I’m writing an essay on Business Leadership, but I’m wanting to add the topic Are leaders born or made also. Before, I go any farther with this essay I want make sure I will have enough scholarly research on it. All the advice will be appreciated. Thank you


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020     Views: 47

Hello again!

If you need books, start with our catalog, which searches books and articles. The best search seems to be "Bill Gates" AND legacy. I put the name in quotation marks so I didn't get a lot of clutter from other Bills. The AND is important too, to get more results. You might want to paste the search into the box.

When the results load, use the left side toolbar to limit them to the last 10 years. Also limit the results to books, to start. You'll see 2 good possibilities, 28 Business Thinkers Who Changed the World: The Management Gurus and Mavericks Who Changed the Way We Think About Business (includes both Gates and Jobs) and The Impatient Optimist : Bill Gates in His Own Words.

There are a lot of articles too, but you need to stick with the scholarly journals (there's a limiter on the left) and business publications. You'll see articles such as Technology Strategy and Management The Legacy of Bill Gates. Searching "Steve Jobs" AND legacy and limiting to peer reviewed will bring up articles such as The legacy of Steve Jobs and Innovate Different: The Legacy of Steve Jobs. For trade publications in business, look for sources that have words like business and financial in their names, like The iPhone 10 Years On: Jobs' Legacy is the Omniscient Tech Company, Source:The Australian Financial Review.

An easier way to find trade publications is to search ProQuest Central, which Amanda referred you to earlier. Using the same search terms as before, and limiting to trade publications with the left side toolbar, I found 39 trade articles about Jobs and 2 on Gates. Of course, you can also search the scholarly journals in ProQuest Central too.

It will be an interesting paper!

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