
How do I properly cite a quote from a website?


the quote is "Collectivistic cultures tend to teach the whole group and allow students to learn one from the other, whereas individualistic societies tend to teach by focusing on the individual. Western societies emphasize personal responsibility for learning, even when instructions are given to the whole group. In order to achieve the best results in school, teachers have to balance their approach toward formulating a collectivistic-individualistic general framework..." from the website:

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Jul 14, 2017     Views: 105


First, you should be aware that APA style doesn't use quotes very often. See the APA Blog for details about when a quote is appropriate.

Because you have 40 or more words, use the block quote format if you decide to quote rather than paraphrase. The link will provide all of the details on formatting the quote. As far as citing it, I would do it this way:

     Collectivistic cultures tend to teach the whole group and allow students to learn one from the other, whereas individualistic societies tend to teach by focusing on the individual. Western societies emphasize personal responsibility for learning, even when instructions are given to the whole group. In order to achieve the best results in school, teachers have to balance their approach toward formulating a collectivistic-individualistic general framework. (Faitar, 2006, para. 6)

Thanks for asking!



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