
Hi, I need help researching Emory Healthcare to write an industry analysis memo.


Emory healthcare industry analysis memo.

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2018     Views: 68

Google is fine but you should also be using Marketline Advantage and Yahoo Finance.  As for the financial data you need such as sales growth rate and earnings growth rate, you figures may be slightly different because you have chosen a healthcare company rather than a consumer product company.  You will need to read the company's annual report and look at it's financial data on yahoo finance as well as the swot analysis in Maketline in order to decide what are the most relevant financial data points to include in your powerpoint.  But if you are still confused by all of this then I suggest that you make an appointment with our graduate librarian Linda Kern.  She can take the time to go through all of these resources with you online.  You can make an appointment by going here.

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