I have to prepare both a written and oral deliverable around the theme Let Me Tell You a Story. The stories should involve lessons you have learned about yourself, about other people, about leadership, or about life in general. I have to write about transformational leadership and a challenge related to a business problem that correlates with my personal or professional story.
Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Apr 10, 2017 Views: 54
Generally you find synopses or summaries of the information in your text, so it's good for explaining participative leadership in your narrative. Articles are generally about applying the theoretical information found in books and looking at the outcome. My thought is to search for mediating factors that explain connections and relationships, and moderating factors which impact the intensity of a relationship. This information would be really good to explain why participative leadership (or any leadership style, for that matter) works better in come circumstances and with some people that others.
Using the Articles Tab of the Org Leadership Guide, click to ABI/Inform Complete. Search participative leadership AND mediating. Be sure to include the AND. Use the left side toolbar to limit to scholarly journals and by date, if needed. You'll see articles such as
- Post, C. (2015). When is female leadership an advantage? Coordination requirements, team cohesion, and team interaction norms. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(8), 1153. doi: 10.1002/job.2031
- Choy, J., McCormack, D., & Djurkovic, N. (2016). Leader-member exchange and job performance. The Journal of Management Development, 35(1), 104-119. doi: 10.1108/JMD-06-2015-0086
Also try participative leadership AND moderating. As before use the left side toolbar to limit to scholarly journals and by date. There are only a few articles, but this search leads to articles such as
- Mesu, J., Sanders, K., & Riemsdijk, M. v. (2015). Transformational leadership and organisational commitment in manufacturing and service small to medium-sized enterprises. Personnel Review, 44(6), 970-990. doi: 10.1108/PR-01-2014-0020
- Gao, L., Janssen, O., & Shi, K. (2011). Leader trust and employee voice: The moderating role of empowering leader behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, 22(4), 787. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2011.05.
- Joo, B., & Lim, T. (2013). Transformational Leadership and Career Satisfaction:The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20(3), 316-326. doi:10.1177/1548051813484359
- Jyoti1, J., & Bhau1, S. (2015). Impact of Transformational Leadership on Job Performance Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and Relational Identification. SAGE Open, 5(4), 1-15. doi: 10.1177/2158244015612518
I hope your paper and presentation go well!
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