
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire & Brief Symptom Inventory


The first draft of my paper for Research Methods is due Friday ad I am having trouble finding a good explanation of the reliability and validity of this test. Is there any way you could help me? I have searched the mental measures yearbook but Iit only came up with one choice. I used that to explain what the scale was and what it measures, but they did not have a good explanation of reliability and validity. The brief symptom inventory came up with about the same results. 

Also, could you tell me how to find Galileo on the library website? I searched for the this measure on there when I was in the library today, but the links I sent myself don't have the full text linked or available. 

-- Thank you so much for your help!
Kayla Mullen
Health Science Pre-OT Brenau Univeristy
Students Activity Board Member 

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Mar 09, 2017     Views: 44


To find these articles, click to the Articles tab of the Psychology LibGuide. Choose PsycINFO. It will take you to the biggest collection of validation and reliability articles with the least about of clutter to look through.

Search "Childhood Trauma Questionnaire" AND validity. Use the quotation marks and the AND to focus the results. Scroll down the search page and click Linked Full Text. Don't limit by date, as many of these articles are older. For validity and reliability, older is OK because once the validity and reliability are established, researchers don't go back and do it again.

This search will give you 77 results. Don't use the German, Swiss, Italian, etc. language studies. Stick with studies of the measure in English. Usually searching validity will also bring up reliability. If you don't get what you need, search "Childhood Trauma Questionnaire" AND reliability.

Then search "Brief Symptom Inventory" AND validity. As before, limit to Linked Full Text, but not by date. This search returns 386 results.

You mentioned a problem with the links you saved when you were searching in the library. Several of the psychology databases don't put the link at the top of your browser. To get back to the article, you need the persistent link. To grab that link from the results, click the title of the article. The Permalink button is in the right toolbar.

Thanks for Asking a Librarian!

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