
how has education changed?


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2017     Views: 38


It's really hard to write on a topic that is this broad. As you know, education has changed in many ways. What kind of change would you like to research? And with what age group? You could explore changes in the use of technology, changes in teaching strategies, changes in the ages and nature of college students, changes in discipline and classroom management, changes in assessment, just to name a few. Narrow your topic to what you fine most interesting.

Then link to the Articles tab of the Education LibGuide, which lists great places to look for information on education. Scroll down to Academic Search Complete.

Search "educational innovations" AND X, replacing the X with your topic. For example, depending on what you find interesting, you could search

  • "educational innovations" AND technology
  • "educational innovations" AND higher education
  • "educational innovations" AND teaching methods
  • "educational innovations" AND distance education

Limit your results to full text, to the last 5 years, and to peer reviewed, scholarly journals if the assignment requires them. You'll find articles such as Amirault, R. J. (2012). Distance learning in the 21st century university: Key issues for leaders and faculty. Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, 13(4), 253-265. Retrieved from (Please note that the full text is in Academic Search Complete. The link in the reference is part of the APA reference format, but it won't take you to the full text.)

Thanks for asking a librarian!


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