If you are looking for research articles in the field of Education, try one of the databases listed on the Education LibGuide. Click the "Articles" tab to find links to databases you will find helpful with your research.
Select a database such as Academic Search Complete and click the Advanced Search option. When you begin to type the phrase "21st Century" you should see a list of suggested terms for you to search. One of the terms I saw was "21st century education." I got over 1400 results with that search, so I decided to search again with the added term "progress" (typed in a 2nd box). It narrowed by results to 86 that seemed more relevant. You may also want to try terms like "educational change" "educational progress" or "education reform."
An additional databases you may want to start with is ERIC (at EBSCOhost).
You can also try searching the online catalog at To find results with full-text peer-reviewed articles only, type in a search (such as 21st century AND "education reform") then click the boxes for Full-text and Peer Review in the navigation menu on the left.
If you need additional help please feel free to contact the library.
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