
are children smarter because of the internet


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 207


I would suggest that you start by narrowing your topic a bit.  You should pick some aspect of the internet(possibly, technology) that interests you and then start reviewing the literature. 

For example, you could write about the internet and attention spans or you could write about technology and autism as I know there have recently been developments in the area of treating children with autism with technology.

Once you've decided on which aspect of the internet you are interested in, I would suggest going to a good multipurpose database such as Academic Search Complete.  You can get to this database by going to an all purpose libguide at  Once there, choose the articles tab at the top of the page.  Next choose Academic Search Complete.  You will be asked to login using your Brenau username and password. 

Next, click on the scholarly (peer reviewed) and the full text boxes below the search bar.  Enter your search terms remembering to connect your terms with the word AND.  For instance, I ran a search using the search terms Technology AND Autism AND Treatment.

You may also find some good results in Science Direct. Science Direct is on the articles tab of the all purpose libguide in the same databases box as Academic Search Complete.

I searched "screen time" AND "attention span", limiting to the last 10 years. The quotation marks in the search term help to focus the results, so be sure to use them. You don't have to limit to scholarly articles, because everything in ScienceDirect is scholarly. For example, I found Effects of Internet use on the adolescent brain: despite popular claims, experimental evidence remains scarce. This article highlights a phenomenon: sometimes the popular press gloms on to topics that aren't extensively researched. But I also found some research: Is the ‘Idiot's Box’ raising idiocy? Early and middle childhood television watching and child cognitive outcome.

You might also try Internet AND Cognition.

Thanks for asking a librarian!

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