
how to cite IndexMundi


Hi, I'd like to know how to cite info from a site like IndexMundi in an APA style? For instance, thank you very much in advance!

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2017     Views: 2860


This information is really from the C.I.A. World Fact Book which is a much better site to reference in your scholarly work than IndexMundi.  If you go to the link you've provided there is a clickable link that takes you to the Factbook.  I would go there and cite this website rather than Mundi. 

So, the Factbook is considered to be an online reference work, and you are citing an entry.

The reference entry is:

Author, A. (year). Entry. In  E. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work. Retrieved from URL

For the Factbook, citing the section on Russia, it would look like this in the reference list:

Central Intelligence Agency. (2016). Russia. In The world factbook. Retrieved from

and like this in the text: (Central Intelligence Agency, 2016) or this: According to the Central Intelligence Agency (2016), Russia is the largest...

I got the year from "Page last updated..." just under the green bar on the Brazil page. There is no E. Editor (Ed.), because the Factbook doesn't list one. Always use the URL of the page you got the information from.

Good luck with your assignment!

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