
when I take the information directly from the company web cite to introduce the company. How would I in text cite it? With quotations, or (with


when I take the information directly from the company web cite to introduce the company. How would I in text cite it? With quotations, or (with the company web at the end of the statement)?

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Feb 05, 2017     Views: 99


First, aside from numbers, statistics, and ratios you should put information into your own words and then there is no need for quotation marks.  It is heavily frowned upon in APA style writing to directly quote.  Instead you should paraphrase.  Second, you in-text citation will follow the same format as any other source, so Author's last name and the publication date.  If it is a company web site then the company name is the Author's last name.  Most web sites do not include publication dates so n.d. for no date will suffice instead.

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