Answered By: Kimberly Boyd Last Updated: Jan 04, 2017 Views: 75
First, let me say that you should probably make an appointment with our graduate librarian because she will be able to help you in a short amount of time much more than I will in an email. Second, you have picked a slightly more difficult company than if you had gone with a company that is publicly traded. Often, it is more difficult to get company financials for non-profits such as Henry Ford Health System. That being said, I did a bit of searching and I found a few things to get you started.
I googled "henry ford health system balance sheet" and was able to find financial statements here:
But these statements are for 2012 and 2013 and are the most recent I could find.
You can find some good the company's most recent Annual report here:
You will also want to go into the business databases. You can find these databases by going to the business libguide at Choose the articles tab to see a list of available databases. While you will not find as many resources in MarketLine Advantage as you would if this were a publicly traded company you will find some good information on Henry Ford Health System if you type Henry Ford Health System into the search bar. It will be the first result. MarketLine will also be a good resource for researching trends in Healthcare in the United States in general. Go into MarketLine, type the search term Healthcare and then limit by choosing Industries and North America. You will also want to search ABI/Inform and Business Source Complete for information and articles on your company.Again, I strongly encourage you to make an appointment with a librarian by clicking on this link and filling out the form:
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