Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 50
As you know, piracy is both an ethical and a business issue. To research the problem I would start with the Business LibGuide (best place to look for business sources) and click the articles tab to get to ABI/Inform Complete. Search the database using music AND piracy AND Africa. Use the left side toolbar to limit the results to the last 10 years. If you have more than enough information, you could limit to the last 5 years. Look for articles from scholarly journals, trade publications such as Billboard, African Business, and the Financial Times, and for reports. The results will include articles such as Coetzer, D. (2006). South Africa schism. Billboard, 118(36), 18. Retrieved from
Use these results to narrow the search from Africa in general to specific African nations. Search music AND piracy AND Ghana for example. Search music AND piracy AND Kenya, to find Chen, C. (2013). Music piracy behaviors of university students in view of consumption value. African Journal of Business Management, 7(39), 4059-4066. doi:10.5897/AJBM10.1568 for example. Search music AND piracy AND Nigeria, to locate articles such as The Economist Intelligence Unit. (2007). Nigeria: Licensing and intellectual property. Retrieved from If you need more, pull up Google Map's Africa map for country names.
Need even more? Use the same strategies to search other databases listed in the Business LibGuide. I would try Business Source Complete next.
Thanks for asking a librarian.
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