
What are some tips for better time management?


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 03, 2020     Views: 86


You will find a great amount of information about time management in books.  You can access several time management electronic books by searching the library's catalog at  Just type the search term Time Management into the search bar and hit enter.  We have several good titles including Successful Time Management and Commonsense Time Management.  To view the e-book of your choice click on the View Online button below the title of the book.  You will be asked to login with your Brenau username and password.  You can navigate the book by using the links in the table of contents or by clicking on pdf full text or by using the arrows to scroll backwards and forwards.  Once you are in the book and have found the information that you need you can email pages of the book to yourself or print pages of the book.

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