Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 64
It's essential to narrow your topic. Some of these questions could fill many pages, if not chapters. For example, the future of It in healthcare could include everything from telehealth and telemedicine to computer-assisted endoscopy to game-based rehabilitation programs.
EMRs and HIPAA (not HIPPA) compliance is a fairly narrow topic, which you can research. I suggest you search the databases listed on the Articles tab of the Nursing LibGuide.
Click on CINAHL Plus with Full text and search using "computerized patient record" AND HIPAA. The quotation marks help to focus the results, as does the AND, so paste the terms into the search box exactly as they are here. Limiting to the last 5 years and full text, you'll get 19 articles, including Murray, T. L., Calhoun, M., & Philipsen, N. C. (2011). Privacy, confidentiality, HIPAA, and hitech: Implications for the health care practitioner. Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 7(9), 747-752 6p. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2011.07.005.
Medline with Full text is also a great option. Search "Medical Records Systems" AND HIPAA or try "Medical Records Systems" AND privacy here. You'll find almost 60 articles including Rodrigues, J. C., de la Torre, I., Fernández, G., & López-Coronado, M. (2013). Analysis of the security and privacy requirements of cloud-based electronic health records systems. Journal Of Medical Internet Research, 15(8), e186. doi:10.2196/jmir.249o
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source is another great choice. Search "electronic health records" AND HIPAA for 43 full text results including HIPAA regulatory alert: Importance of security risk assessments rise with advent of electronic health records. (2011). Healthcare Risk Management, Retrieved from (This isn't a scholarly publication, but it is a reliable trade publication.)
Good luck with your research!
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