
Hello, I have a 10 page paper in regards to designing the ideal health system for India. Where do I begin this research? Any information given


Hello, I have a 10 page paper in regards to designing the ideal health system for India. Where do I begin this research? Any information given would be greatly appreciated. Below are the details: Each group designs what it considers to be the ideal health system for the assigned country. Each design should consider the relevant cultural and resource components of the country. Teams should work from a blank slate; the current structure of the health system should not affect your design. However, political and economic factors should be considered with respect to implementation. You may use any information from the journal Health Affairs or any of the "think-tanks" listed at the bottom of the modules. All teams should include the following elements in their designs: Overview and Introduction System type (e.g., entrepreneurial, national health system, mandated insurance) Financing Service provision Access and equity Management Human resources Thankyou

Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 69

For an overview of the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental (PESTLE) structure of the country, go to Marketline Advantage.  You can access this database by going into the business administration libguide at  Choose the Business - Articles tab and then click on Marketline Advantage.  You will be asked to login using your Brenau username and password.  Enter the search term India and enter and then scroll down.  You will see a list of industries, companies, and case studies, etc. and then towards the bottom of the results page you will see Countries with a country analysis report for India.

There are some excellent resources on the different types of health care systems in Credo Reference.  You can find Credo by going to the background research tab on the business administration libguide.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Credo Reference.  Enter the search terms Health Care Systems.  You will find good information in particular in the article titled "Health Care Provisions > Health Care Systems" in the Sage Key Concepts Series.

Next, if you want to research some particular aspects health care that may be relevant specifically to India, you may want to go into some of the health and business databases.  You can find those back on the Business - Articles tab of the business administration libguide.  I would recommend ABI/Inform, Business Source Complete, and Science Direct.  Remember when entering your search terms in these databases to connect your terms with the word AND.  For instance, you may want to search for Health Care AND India AND Culture.

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