
Gun laws in georgia


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 31

To find out what Georgia's gun laws are, go to When the table of contents opens,

  1. Title 16 - Click on the little blue + beside the box labeled Title 16, Crimes and Offenses. This will allow you to drill down to all of the various provisions about gun ownership, possession, and use.
  2. Chapter 11 - Click on the little blue + beside the box labeled Chapter 11, Offenses Against Public Order and Safety. Open to Level 3, 6 items.
  3. Article 4 - Click on the little blue + beside the box labeled Article 4, Dangerous Instrumentalities and Practices.
  4. Parts 1-4 - Here you will see Parts 1-4, all dealing with the possession and use of firearms.

I know all of this drilling down seems like a pain, but the provisions don't have a specific URL I can give you.

For additional information, Google gun laws georgia . This is a site search of government websites that will provide interpretation and information.

Thanks for asking us!

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