Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 88
See this short video on referencing, or keep reading...
When referencing a scholarly article, APA doesn't care about the authors' degrees, but it does care about the number of authors, so lets start there. First, format your paper in Times New Roman 12 point font. Use a hanging indent.
One author:
Kern, L. E.
Two authors:
Kern, L. E., & Boyd, K. (don't miss the comma before the &)
Three authors:
Kern, L. E., Boyd, K., & Barton, B.
Eight or more authors
Kern, L. E., Boyd, K., Barton, B., Mize, R. M., Wages, A., Reed, R. M., ... Roper, A. A.
Here's what comes next:
Kern, L. E., & Boyd, K. (2015). Title of article with the first word and first word after a colon: Capitalized like this. Title of the Journal, 24(10), 39-52.
The 24 is where you put the volume number. The (10) is how you list the issue number. 39-52 represents the page numbers.
And last is the retrieval information.
If the article has a DOI listed in it, then add after the page numbers: doi:10.10.01dwe734853 (using whatever numbers they give you.
If there's no DOI, Google the journal title and list the URL of the journal's home page like this: Retrieved from
There's no period at the end of either.
Here's the whole thing:
Kern, L. E., & Boyd, K. (2015). Title of article with the first word and first word after a colon: Capitalized like this. Title of the Journal, 24(10), 39-52. doi:10.10.01dwe734853
Kern, L. E., & Boyd, K. (2015). Title of article with the first word and first word after a colon: Capitalized like this. Title of the Journal, 24(10), 39-52. Retrieved from
In the text:
See this short video on citing in the text, or keep reading...
One author:
(Kern, 2015)
Two authors:
(Kern & Boyd, 2015)
Three authors:
(Kern, Boyd, & Barton, 2015)
Six or more authors
(Kern, et al., 2015)
See our APA guide at for short how-to videos and more info!
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