
can you help me find scholarly article and journals on the treatment of type 2 diabetics?


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 22


We have a ton of information in type 2 diabetics.

I suggest you click to the Nursing LibGuide and use the resources there. Begin with the gold Articles tab. Here you'll see information divided by its intended audience. The sources in the Nursing Articles / Nursing Journals box are primarily written for an audience of medical professionals. The sources in the Information for Patients box is of course written for everyday people like you and me. Both sets of resources are of very high quality, so you can be comfortable that either will meet the quality requirements of the assignment. I would start in the Information for Patients box, with Consumer Health Complete, a database that includes a variety of resources such as reports, encyclopedias, fact sheets, and articles. You will be asked to log in with your Brenau username and password.

You could search type 2 diabetics. You could also search type 2 diabetes. These will yield different sets of results with some overlap. Searching type 2 diabetics will focus more on the people. Searching type 2 diabetes will focus more on the condition. The results page will have a series of tabs across the top:

  • Evidence-Based Reports - definitions, causes, risk factors, and more
  • Encyclopedias - medical encyclopedias with in-depth information
  • Reference Books - chapters from factual books covering all aspects of diabetes
  • Fact Sheets & Pamphlets - handouts on specific aspects of the disease
  • News & Magazines - in this case, articles from respected scientific journals

Each tab will allow you to Narrow Results by Subject using the left side toolbar.

If you need further information, head back to the LibGuide and click through to Medline Plus, a web site of the National Institutes of Health. Academic Search Complete is also available.  If you search Academic Search Complete, I suggest using the search terms Type 2 Diabetes AND Treatment.


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