
Mental Health Journal Access


Hi, I am trying to get articles off of the mental health journal available off the OT libguides page. Do we have to pay to get access to the articles? The title is A Healthy Start: Mental health promotion in early childhood settings. I clicked on the link under OT Journals and went to Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. Thank you!!

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 41


The article you want isn't published in the journal you linked to, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. Somehow in the process of searching you jumped out of that journal and into the Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health. The publisher web sites can be wonky like that.

Unfortunately, we don't have free access to the Australian e-Journal. That doesn't mean you should pay for access, though! The library has already paid for tons of access. Instead, you can request the article through Information Delivery if you have the time. If not, let me know your topic by clicking on the reply link and I'll help you locate similar articles.

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