
What are the best resources for researching personality types in the workplace?


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 103


Are you looking for personality types such as the Myers Briggs 16 types? If so, I suggest you start with the Human Resources LibGuide. On the Resources for HR tab, select ABI/Inform. You will be asked to log in with your Brenau username and password.

Search Myers Briggs. Because this is a business database, the results will focus on the workplace. On the results page, limit the results using the left side toolbar. Choose as Source Types Scholarly Journals and Trade Journals. Limit the dates to the last 10 years. You'll find many pertinent articles including Taking Inventory of Myers-Briggs and Using Myers-Briggs Personality Type to Create a Culture Adapted to the New Century.

If by any chance you want personality traits instead, search personality traits or big 5 personality traits, limiting the results in the same way.

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