
Hello, I am trying to find articles on organizational behavior


specifically targeting ethics and personality with organizational behavior.

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 83


The Organizational Leadership LibGuide is where I would begin. Click on Resources for OL, and start with ABI/Inform Complete. It will ask for your Brenau username and password.

I searched "organizational behavior" AND ethics AND personality. The quotation marks need the words organizational behavior together, in that order, to make your results more relevant. The AND searches for all three terms, "organizational behavior", ethics, and personality, anywhere in the article. Don't limit to full text; some good articles are linked full text, but you won't see them. Do limit by date to either the last 5 or the last 10 years, depending on your assignment instructions. The limiter is in the left side toolbar of the results. I limited to the last 5 years.

The first article may be of interest: Bratton, V. K., & Strittmatter, C. (2013). To cheat or not to cheat? The role of personality in academic and business ethics. Ethics & Behavior, 23(6), 427-444. Another possibility is Palmer, D. A. (2013). The new perspective on organizational wrongdoing. California Management Review, 56(1), 5-23. Also check out Cohen, T. R., & Morse, L. (2014). Moral character: What it is and what it does. Research in Organizational Behavior, 34, 43-61.

If you don't find enough articles in this database, go back to the LibGuide and click on Business Source Complete. There you will find articles such as Kalshoven, K., Den Hartog, D., & De Hoogh, A. (2011). Ethical Leader Behavior and Big Five Factors of Personality. Journal Of Business Ethics, 100(2), 349-366. doi:10.1007/s10551-010-0685-9 .

Interesting paper!

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