
I need help locating three journal articles that contain outcome research to support clinical use of Existentialism therapy and veterans. I do


I need help locating three journal articles that contain outcome research to support clinical use of Existentialism therapy and veterans. I do not know what "words" to use
I have to write an "Evidence-based Treatment Paper" The instructions state to choose a treatment approach ( I have chosen Existentialism) and a population ( I have chosen Military veterans perhaps with PTSD). We are to locate 3 journal articles that contain outcome research to support the clinical use of this approach with a specific population. I am completely lost as to how to go about obtaining these three articles. Can you please help me. This is a paper for Dr. Bauman's class Theories of Psychotherapy. I am a Graduate student in the Clinical/Counseling Psychology Program. Thank you

Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020     Views: 47

The Psychology Masters Programs LibGuide ( is an excellent place to start your research.  You can find books which will provide some background information, including jargon and key phrases, on a variety of subjects in the "Background Research" tab.  You will find a number of databases containing authoritative materials on the "Articles" tab.


I would suggest searching several databases to be sure you find the most appropriate articles to you subject.  PsycARTICLES would be an excellent place to start, since it includes full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in general psychology and specialized basic, applied, clinical, and theoretical research in psychology. ScienceDirect, the Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, and Sage Journals Premier are three great additional starting points.

Terms you can use may include:

"existential psychotherapy" AND veteran

"existential psychotherapy" AND military personnel

I used the first term in Sage and found articles with the titles "Combat Trauma: Treatment from a Mystical/Spiritual Perspective" and "The Existentialism of Rollo May: An Influence on Trauma Treatment," both of which you may find interesting.

You should also look at the subject headings listed under articles you find relevant to your topic.  That will help you find new terms and phrases for your research.

This should get you started.  Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.


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