
I need help in finding reliability and validity for the Bender-Gestalt many current articles


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 277


First, check with your professor to see if you can use psychometric articles about the original Bender. Since it was published in 1938, there's a lot more available on its reliability and validity.

I suggest you use multiple sources, including Mental Measurements Yearbook and PsycINFO. Both can be accessed via the Articles tab of the Psychology Masters Libguide at .

Starting with Mental Measurements Yearbook, search Bender Gestalt. There are four results, including the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition, which (I'm guessing) is what you're using. Clicking on the title will take you to two reviews written by highly qualified reviewers, which are appropriate for this task. To cite these reviews, see How to cite Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print. The "cite" button in the database cites the assessment, not the reviews.

Next, go back to the LibGuide and link to PsycINFO. Search Bender Gestalt. When the results load, use the left side toolbar to limit them. Scroll down to Subject Major Heading and click on it. Then click Show More. Click the boxes for Test Validity and Test Reliability. Use the date limiter if you want to focus specifically on the Bender II, published in 2003. Don't limit to full text. There aren't very many full text articles, so you may have to request articles through information delivery/interlibrary loan.

If you want to do more research, go the Medline with Full Text. Here you will want to search Bender Gestalt AND (validity OR reliability) . Paste in the exact search. It's all important. Limit by date if you want.

My last effort would be to run the same search, Bender Gestalt AND (validity OR reliability) , in PubMed, also linked on the LibGuide.

Thanks for asking a librarian!

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