
What are the dangers of texting while driving?


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 91


There are two ways to approach this problem, depending on the requirements of your project. One would be through the scholarly literature. Since you are in Education, start with the Education LibGuide at and then click on the Articles tab. Click on Academic Search Complete (which covers Education and a lot of other topics) and search texting AND driving. The "AND" is important so don't leave it out of the search. Even limiting to full text, peer reviewed journals published in the last 5 years, there are 65 interesting results.

The other approach would be to look at accident statistics. Google texting accident statistics. Google will add the AND for you. In this case, the most reliable sources will be from government agencies, which collect statistics on distracted driving (texting falls in this category) and texting while driving. My search yielded results including,, and Phone usage falls under the FCC's jurisdiction. Another government agency that collects this data is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Hope your project goes well!

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