Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 76
I suggest you start with the International Business LibGuide. This guide is a list of places to search for information on all aspects of doing business abroad, including economics and trade.
For articles, try the Asian Business and Reference by ProQuest database. I searched trade AND Pakistan, for example. I used the right side toolbar to limit the results to 2010-present, leaving 999 results. That's a lot of results to look through, but before limiting further, I glanced through the first page of results and found Mukhtar, T. (2012). Does trade openness reduce inflation? empirical evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development, 33(2), 33-51. Retrieved from Next, sing the same toolbar, on the right, I clicked on Subject, then More Options. This display shows me what the 999 articles are about. I chose Economic Growth, but you could choose from a variety of relevant subjects. In these results I found Iqbal, M. S., Shaikh, F. M., & Shar, A. H. (2010). Causality relationship between foreign direct investment, trade and economic growth in Pakistan. Asian Social Science, 6(9), 82-89. Retrieved from . Searching economy AND Pakistan using the same strategies also works well.
For data, the LibGuide offers a variety of possibilities, including MarketLine. In the search box, search Pakistan. Drop down All Research and change it to Countries. The first result is a PEST analysis of Pakistan, which is loaded with statistics and charts.
Many of the web sites listed on the LibGuide are also helpful. For example, in the in the Development Economics box in the right column, click on Topics in Development: Trade. From the left menu, choose Data. Click on the World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS) tool. Here you can see a trade summary of India at a Glance, or search for Pakistan.
In the Culture box, the CIA World Factbook has a concise economic description that is full of facts.
In the World Bank Data Catalog box, you will find links to many ways to parse economic and trade data. For example, Data Resources for Structural Economic Analysis is a collection of over 60 comprehensive international databases on the structure of the global economy, and standardized metadata for each, covering both technical characteristics of the data and detailed access information. Areas represented in the collection include output and value added by industrial sector, labor force, social and demographic data, productivity, and measures of economic endowments. Clicking that link lets you access these resources.
Good luck with your paper!
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