
Hello, I am trying top pull articles on the effects of servant leadership on employee morale. The search retrieve 2 relevant results but I am not


Hello, I am trying top pull articles on the effects of servant leadership on employee morale. The search retrieve 2 relevant results but I am not able to email or export the files. What am I doing incorrect?

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 81


It's hard to say for sure with limited information, but my guess is that the full text is not available for the two articles you found. Think of it like shopping. You see something you want. You go into the local store. They don't have it, but they can order it and probably get it for you, but it could take time. Articles work that way sometimes.

So I set out to get a better pool of results with immediately available full text. I went to the Business LibGuide and clicked on the Articles tab. I chose ABI/Inform, one of the best databases for business research. I got similar results to your search with "servant leadership" and "employee morale" as my search terms.

I used "job satisfaction" as a synonym for employee morale. Searching "servant leadership" and "job satisfaction" returned several full text articles. I used the right side toolbar to limit the results to the last 5 years, leaving me with 11 results, including 6 journal articles and 5 dissertations. You might find this and other articles useful: Das, V. T., Rao, R. S., & Reddy, S. A. (2014). Servant leadership : A comparative study of private and public sector companies. Sumedha Journal of Management, 3(4), 126-139.

If this doesn't yield enough relevant full text articles, try this search: employees AND attitudes AND "servant leadership".  This yielded 7 full text articles from the last 5 years.

If you still haven't found what you need, go back the the Articles tab of the Business LibGuide and click to Business source Complete. Searching employees AND attitudes AND "servant leadership"  yielded 12 full text articles from the last 5 years.

Thanks for asking a librarian!

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