Answered By: Kimberly Boyd Last Updated: Aug 27, 2020 Views: 159
I was able to find some articles on your topic by going about the research differently than I normally would. I went into the libguides at and I clicked on browse all guides. Then I clicked on the letter D and chose databases a to z. Click on the letter G and then choose Galileo. From here I entered the search terms United Kingdom AND business etiquette. In a separate search, I used France and business etiquette. I got some good results although I had to weed through a ton of results! Here are some permalinks to some of the articles that I found:
Doing Business in France
Going Global Career & Employment Resource Guide for France.
The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette
Business Etiquette in Poland, Germany, France and China: an Intercultural Approach
Focus on the United Kingdom
Pragmatism and rationalism in the development of management science in the UK and France
Measuring Corporate Citizenship in Two Countries: The Case of the United States and France
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