Although they may be different industries, I was considering comparing Toms shoe company to Starbucks? I also need 6 citations for this 3-5 double spaced page essay.
Answered By: Kimberly Boyd Last Updated: Jan 04, 2017 Views: 87
I had a difficult time finding lists of corporations that did not have social responsibility programs. Perhaps this is because no one wants to put out a worst of list? Or, perhaps it is because there isn't a lot media attention given to companies that lack social responsibility platforms? Regardless, in searching the literature, I was able to find some recurring company names in articles about poor social responsibility. Some of these were Comcast, Nike, Chase, and Walmart. You might try looking into the issues that these companies have had in the past. In addition, you might try googling companies lacking social responsibility to find some names and then do some research in the databases to see whether these companies really do have differing views on corporate social responsibility.
To find articles, I chose to go into the business administration libguide at From there I chose the business - articles tab and then I chose to look in ABI/Inform Complete. I used the search terms Nike and social responsibility. I found some good results.
In addition to finding articles, you may want a good definition of social responsibility as well as some discussion of whether businesses benefit from having corporate responsibility programs. I found this by going into the business - books tab. The first box contains a widget for the library catalog. I used the search term corporate social responsibility here and the first result is a good e-book on the subject.
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