
I am going a research paper on 19th century female writers who paved the way for female writers today. I need to know where to look to find info


I am going a research paper on 19th century female writers who paved the way for female writers today. I need to know where to look to find info on how they paved the way for female writers today. And what types of questions should I be asking?

Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 76


One way to approach this topic is to first identify the issue or issues from the past that you want to cover in your paper. What issues or themes in 19th century literature caused readers to gasp because they just weren't discussed in public? What themes didn't reflect the values of that day? What characters did the unacceptable, which has since become acceptable? Which roles have changed significantly since the 19th century? How have they changed? Examples might include the role of women as wives or mothers, free will, sex, death, feminism, personal identify, and dissatisfaction with life.

The next task would be to find 19th century and contemporary authors who write about these themes. The library has a series of books called Novels for Students, Drama for Students, and Short Stories for Students. Each series has an index of themes and subjects which enables you to look up a subject or theme and then directs you to information on novels, short stories or plays that contain that theme. From there you would need to sift through the works to choose female writers from the 19th and 20th/21st centuries.

If you can make the trip to the library, that would be the best option. we can help you when you get here. Our hours are posted here. Please note that we have special hours for the following: Holiday Lunch from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, December 12, 2014 and building maintenance all day on Monday, December 15, 2014.

If you can't make the trip to the library, click the link below to respond and let me know what themes you are interested in. We will scan and email relevant info from the books and give you some other sources where you can find additional information to write the paper. We will be glad to help!

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