Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 93
Now this is an interesting topic! The best way to search it is also kind of interesting, and a bit different from what you may be used to.
Link to the Business LibGuide, which lists the best places to search for business information. Once there, click on the Articles tab. This lists several databases containing high quality business info. I found the best results in ABI/Inform Complete, so click on that link and log in.
I searched for baseball AND stadium, and limited the search to full text scholarly journals by clicking the boxes below the search box. On the results page, I used the right side toolbar to limit the results to 2000-2014 . I chose that time frame because there was a boom in stadium building in the late 1990's-early 2000's. There are a few good results in the list. Once you have one decent article, you can often track down several more by chasing the references of that article.
From this list of results, I clicked on the title (not the full text link) of Depken,Craig A.,,II. (2006). The impact of new stadiums on professional baseball team finances. Public Finance and Management, 6(3), 436-459,461-464,466-474. I know you are looking at the economic impact of new staduims, but bear with me. This article contains really good information on the recent history of new stadium builds and the kinds of economic impact studies that are conducted. Clicking the title takes me to the full text, and also gives me a new toolbar on the right side. After reviewing this article, in this toolbar, I clicked on references. This takes me to articles that Depken used to write the paper.
Here I found Rappaport, J., & Wilkerson, C. (2001). What are the benefits of hosting a major league sports franchise? Economic Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 86(1), 55-86, which is useful.Click directly to the full text.
In the same results set, I also found Coates, D., & Humphreys, B. R. (1999). The growth effects of sport franchises, stadia, and arenas. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 18(4), 601-624. Click on the title of this article too. This info is good, but may be a little old. It can lead to other good stuff though.
After clicking on the title, using the right side toolbar, I clicked cited by. Cited by takes me to more recent articles that cited Coates & Humphreys.
In this list I found Click, E. M. (2009). The impact of the growth machine on public financing of professional sports facilities: The case of the st. louis cardinals (Order No. 3375939). Available from ABI/INFORM Complete. Click the full text link rather than the title here. This is a really long document. The most relevant information for your paper is in chapter 1.
I also found another relevant article, Chapin, T. S. (2004). Sports facilities as urban redevelopment catalysts. American Planning Association.Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(2), 193-209.
Have fun!
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