Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 158
The news is not good.
I began by searching the NAICS web site, using the keyword recreation. This led to several categories, including recreational goods, vehicles, sports clubs, and (the most promising) a category embracing various outdoor sports such as white water rafting and trail riding. I linked to this category - 713990 All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries - for further information and found that this "industry comprises establishments (except amusement parks and arcades; gambling industries; golf courses and country clubs; skiing facilities; marinas; fitness and recreational sports centers; and bowling centers) primarily engaged in providing recreational and amusement services."
Illustrative Examples:
713990 White water rafting, recreational
713990 Trapshooting facilities, recreational
713990 Snowmobiling, recreational
713990 Sea kayaking, recreational
713990 Rowing clubs, recreational
713990 River rafting, recreational
713990 Rifle clubs, recreational
713990 Riding clubs, recreational
713990 Para sailing, recreational
713990 Mountain hiking, recreational
713990 Kayaking, recreational
713990 Hunting clubs, recreational
713990 Horseback riding, recreational
713990 Gun clubs, recreational
713990 Flying clubs, recreational
713990 Canoeing, recreational
713990 Fishing clubs, recreational
From there I started looking for the industry analysis. I went to the Business LibGuide and began with the databases listed under the Articles tab. I searched MarkerLine Advantage, ABI/Inform, and Business source Complete using the NAICS code and multiple variations of the industry name. I also searched by keywords such as outdoor AND recreation. I found no results. I also searched the relevant web sites on the guide. Then I went to the Finance LibGuide and checked the web sites there. I also tried the Outdoor Industry Association web site. The information is available, but for a (rather large) fee. Last, I Googled.
I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to find even one relevant industry analysis. Often financial information is difficult to find when the industry is relatively small or businesses are privately held. Perhaps that's the case here.
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