
I need research articles on hospital acquired infections and foley catheters.


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 73


Part of the problem you encountered may be due to vocabulary. The classic medical literature actually calls hospital acquired infections "cross infection" and defines cross infection as "any infection which a patient contracts in a health-care institution". 

Link to the Advanced Nursing Research LibGuide, click on Evidence Based Practice, and choose Medline with Full Text. The database will ask for your Brenau username and password.

Paste this search into the box:

MM "cross infection" AND "foley catheter"

Be sure to keep the MM and quotation marks. After limiting to the last 5 years, there is 1 full text research article left.

Will this search work for you:

MM "cross infection" AND MM "urinary catheterization"

It yields many more articles - 102 when limited to full text within the last 5 years.

ScienceDirect, another database listed just below Medline on the EBP page of the LibGuide, also has good results. Here the vocabulary is different. Try searching

"hospital acquired infection" and "foley catheter"
This search yields 91 articles from the last 5 years.
"cross infection" and "foley catheter"

yields 14 articles.

Although it doesn't have as many bells and whistles as Medline, this database identifies some of its articles as "original research articles".

Let me know if you have further problems.

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