
I'm trying to find articles on Companies to see if they prefer degrees over experience that are scholarly


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Feb 05, 2017     Views: 44


This is a difficult topic to find information on.  There don't appear to be a lot of writers doing scholarly work on the topic.  The articles that I was able to find on the topic were largely popular or trade sources rather than scholarly.  Perhaps, if we narrowed the topic a bit I could find some relevant scholarly sources for you?  What types of companies are you looking at?  I would imagine that some companies would prefer experience versus education depending on the type of work that will be required.  For instance, construction workers need a good deal of experience before they become proficient but architects would need a good deal more education.

If you would like, you can see the few articles that I was able to find by going into the business libguide at  From here choose the Business - Articles tab and then click on the 5th database listed, Business Source Complete.  I chose to use the search terms Labor Market AND job experience.  I also did another search using the terms Labor Market AND Higher Education or Education.  Don't forget to use the word And to connect your terms in your searches.

In addition, you may try using these search terms in the databases Academic Search Complete and Science Direct.

If you continue having trouble finding sources on this topic, please feel free to email us back!

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