
I'm looking for women and aging


I need to do a research paper and I'm interested in looking at women and aging- such as hormones, physical & mental changes, financial, etc..

Answered By: Trustee Library
Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016     Views: 54

A good place to start research in the topic of health sciences is the Health & Science LibGuide.  Since your topic involves women and aging, try the Gerontology LibGuide, since it is a resource for students studying older persons.

Click on the "Books" tab and you will see a widget to Brenau's online catalog.  Here you can search for books, journal articles, streaming media, and other formats of resources held by the library that may be of use to your research.  If you want to narrow your search results to e-books and electronic journal articles, just click the box that says "Full Text."

For an initial search, start with "women AND ageing," with the word "and" in all-caps.  You can narrow your search results to just e-books or articles, or narrow the years of publication, or even narrow the subject further using the limiters on the left-side of the search results.  If you find an item that appears to suit your topic, even if it is in a format you're not interested in, I recommend looking at the detailed record.  The description of the item can often provide additional search terms that can help refine your research.

For example, you could add the words: geriatrics, gerontology, older persons, etc.  These are subject headings assigned by the Library of Congress that can be used in other databases as well.

Going back to the Gerontology LibGuide, click the "Articles" tab to find a list of databases what will contain journals regarding the the subjects of gerontology, psychology, sociology, and health sciene.  Click the "Web Sites" tab to find a list of subject-related web resources that have been vetted by professional librarians.

If you need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Robin Mize

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