
Hi, I am looking for Management article...where should I start? This is my first time at


Answered By: Kimberly Boyd
Last Updated: Sep 02, 2020     Views: 84

Hello and welcom to Brenau!  First you will want to go into the libguides at  Next choose which libguide you would like to view by subject.  So choose Business and Mass Communication under subjects and librarians.  You will see a list of all of the business libguides available to you.  For management, I would choose Business Administration.  Once you are in the business administration libguide, you can navigate by using the tabs at the top of the libguide labelled Home, Background Research, etc.  To find journal articles, choose the Business - Articles tab.  Here you will see a list of databases that we recommend that you use when searching for business topics.  MarketLine Advantage is mostly company financial information, SWOT analysis, etc. so this is not the database you should choose to find management articles.  Instead pick either ABI/Inform Complete by ProQuest or Business Source Complete.  Click on the title of the database that you have chosen to search.  You will be asked to login with your Brenau username and password.  Once you have logged in you will be in the main search screen for the database.  Enter your search terms here.  You will probably need to narrow your topic from just management a bit or will you will get far too many results.  Just remember to connect your search terms with the word AND.  For instance, if you are interested in the management of organizational crises you would enter a search like this: Management AND Crises.

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