
Where can I find information about attractions in South Korea and places to stay?


Answered By: Linda Kern
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2017     Views: 56


It sounds like you are looking for travel and tourism information. The best place for travel and tourism information is the Web, because it provides the most current information available. You didn't specify any particular quality of information such as scholarly or trade info, so I suggest reliable, high quality web sites. To evaluate the quality and credibility of web sites, see our short video at .

I suggest you consider three types of information.

Official Korean Government web sites

  • Googling tourism "South Korea" provides solid hits including the Official Korea Tourism Organization
    and Visit Seoul - The Official Travel Guide to Seoul. Government sites are highly reliable and provide the "official line" on highly promoted tourist venues and accommodations.

Traditional travel guides

  • Traditional travel guides provide recommendations from travel industry experts and some user commentary. Googling fodors "south korea" will lead to South Korea | Fodor's Travel Guides and Googling frommers "south korea" will result in South Korea | Frommer's. These are two of the best of the travel guides.

User generated content

  • Googling tourism "South Korea" also provides a variety of user-generated content such as Trip Advisor's South Korea Tourism: 4,868 Things to Do in South Korea

Good luck with your interesting project!

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