
I am looking for scholarly articles on the No Child Left Behind Act


Answered By: Amanda Roper
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2017     Views: 90


First, visit our Advanced Education Research LibGuide ( Next, click on the General Education tab. I chose the first database, Academic Search Complete. I typed "no child left behind act" in the search bar and checked the Full Text box. I came up with over 3,700 results! If you look on the left-hand side of the screen you can see options for narrowing the dates of the articles and that may narrow the results for you. I would recommend focusing your topic to something more specific. Perhaps a specific geographic region, age group, gender, learning style, assessment, etc. For example, when I searched with "no child left behind act" AND middle school I narrowed the result list to 80 articles and that is a much more manageable amount of research.

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