If you can help me in this assignment I will be glad too. Thanks
Developmental Matrix :
Each student will create a developmental matrix that identifies characteristics and theories across age levels and considers areas of social, emotional, gender, cognitive, and physical development.
Developmental Matrix
Characteristics of Development Matrix
Neonatal -
1 year old
2 - 3 years
play - groups
4 - 5 years
6 - 7 years
1st - 2nd
8 - 10 years
3rd - 4th
11 - 13 years
5th - 7th
14 - 15 years
8th - 9th
16 - 17 years
10th - 11th
18 - 19 years
12th - College
20 + years
(adult learners)
Answered By: Linda Kern Last Updated: Dec 12, 2016 Views: 77
Textbooks and similar publications will provide the information needed to create the matrix. I suggest you gather as much information as possible from your textbook for the course, then look for other sources to fill the gaps.
For the information not available in your textbook, you may want to search our eBooks. Click to the General Education tab of the Advanced Education Research LibGuide at . Scroll down until you reach Online Books and Credo Reference. Click on EBooks at EBSCOhost.
Searching "child development" will bring up several good results such as Bidell, T. R., & Shweder, R. A. (2009). The Child : An Encyclopedic Companion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press and Robinson, M. (2008). Child Development 0-8 : A Journey Through the Early Years. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw Hill.
Searching "adolescent development" is also useful, as is searching "adult development", which yields Hoare, C. (2006). Handbook of Adult Development and Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
We also have relevant print books in the library, including the Encyclopedia of Psychology (call number REF BF31 .E52 2000) and the Handbook of Psychology: Volume 7 Educational Psychology (REF BF 121 .H1955 2003 v.7 and the Handbook of Psychology: Volume 6 Developmental Psychology (REF BF 121 .H1955 2003 v.6.
Good luck with this interesting project!
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